D&O Liability Insurance
Our mission is to provide as an added member benefit to the IAFF Affiliate Locals—A Limit of Directors & Officers Liability and Employment Practices Liability coverage at an affordable price with a simple application and underwriting process via a Group Purchasing Product.
The IAFF program is not available in Illinois and Wisconsin at this time.
Q&A Sheet
Apply for D&O Insurance
Online Application (California)
or Download PDF Application (California)
Learn More
Download our PowerPoint for a comprehensive explanation of our D&O Liability Insurance Coverage.
Download PPT
IAFF Fidelity Bond
- The IAFF Bond provides $5,000 limit for each Local at no charge, higher limits are available*
- The bond covers faithful performance by employees, officers, elected officials
- It is recommended that each Local carry a minimum limit of 10% of assets (Cash, Checking or Asset Accounts)
Financial Records must be maintained by the Local to assist in proof of loss.